Friday, September 5, 2008

My First Second Part of My First Two Parter

First of all for those of you who didn't see that title coming, well I have nothing to say.

Welcome to the second part of my first two parter... Yes! I had to say it again!

You know it's funny the other day I was talking to this friend of mine and he said something that shocked the stuffing out of me (if you've seen me, you'll know that's a lot of stuffing!). He actually had the gall to say getting too old for video games and comics.

Well, I don't understand how anybody can get too old for either of those things. It's not just men, its women too. If you've become too old to play a video game or a comic, well then personally take a look in the mirror cause you probably won't like what you see.

Personally I'd love to date a girl who was thirty, flirty, fun and into gaming and comics. I might even convince her to dress up as Princess Leia or hell Lara Croft! Dammit must focus on subject at hand!

I bet more than 80% of my readers are on Facebook and also spend at least 70% of their free time on Facebook. Now, tell me whats the difference between Facebook and World of Warcraft (WoW)? Almost none, in fact they run along the same concept. It's called Social Networking. The funny thing is today if you are a 30 year old on Facebook it makes you hip, cool and web savvy (Ha ha.. keep telling yourself that!). If you are a 30 year old on WoW, well shit you might as well hide that fact cause its worse than being gay.

It's the same thing with comic books, I mean do you realise that more than half of the comic books out there are a reflection of what is happening in our world already or what will happen if current events carry on the way they are? I mean hell, we have more Joker's in the world than Batman has in the comics. Unfortunately we have like zero Batman's, well side from my colleague who claims to be Batman and probably spends nights praying to the almighty one to make him Batman!

I'm sorry I know I'm coming of preachy but the fact is I love playing video games, I love reading comics. If that makes me come off as immature so be it! I believe comics and video games are my god given right, kinda like sex. Nothing beats an HCHHSSTT who loves comic books and plays WoW!

Yes, I play World of Warcraft, I read comic books (Up Up and Away!) and I like to have sex.

For all of you women out there that have Boyfriends that are into the above mentioned topics, all I can say is "Don't worry... be Happy!"

Welcome to my world.

P.s. On a completely unrelated note, I find it ammusing I had more comments on a nonsensical post "My First Arggggh" than on a post that actually had a little bit of meaning "My First Two Parter". I'm thinking I should really start antoganizing women if that is what will get me more readers!


Zaev Dutt said...

Dara... should you chose to use material from my blog, while I have no problem with that. I do feel the need to emphasize that it is only fair all due credit is to be given to my blog.

Make it happen.

Unknown said...

I just thought I'd mention that I actually do have a picture of me dressed up as Lara Croft, following a highly unsettling dream, just to prove a point to my self.