Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Pushover Syndrome

So in keeping with a mini theme of my blog, I ask my ardent readers what they wish to read about and then I blog about it.

Today, an ardent reader who I've decided to label FLBN (Female Lawyer with a Big Nose - I know it's a mouthful, but trust me it's true!) asked me to write about how guys are such push overs when it comes to women.

She probably expected me to argue the topic with her, and as always she probably expected me to end the conversation with a rant and rave on how men are not pushovers. However, I chose to agree with her. Cause let's face it, truer words were never spoken.

Even the Manliest of Manly Men can be made to do anything by a specimen of the opposite sex (granted it would have to be a 10 on the HCHHSSTT scale).

Why does this happen I asked myself. The answer is simple.

The female form is designed to bring men to their knees and when you add in the fact that they have no conscience and hence don't care about right or wrong (with regard to men), it makes for a losing battle for men.

For example, I have a friend SBB (Short Built Bast**d). Here is a guy who is very calm and controlled. I believe he can be very logical and generally doesn't react with emotion... Ok, that's not true but he's still better than most.

Anyway the fact is if you place SBB in a room filled with at least 3 women that are single. Chances are he'll end up driving at least one of them home even if it means going 3 hours out of his way on the off chance that he'd "get some". Sigh, one time he went half way to Goa all the way from Bombay to drop a HCHHSSTT off. In his defense, he did "get some".

Then we always have BWSP, this guy rocks to his own beat (literally). However, even he has given into the temptation of the HCHHSSTT. To give him the benefit of the doubt it took the combined efforts of Alcohol, Puff the Magic Dragon and a really long dry spell before he fell to his knees and gave in to the temptress.

Hell, even I've been victim to the Pushover Syndrome. On more than one occasion,I have found myself dropping some random HCHHSSTT home, or the times when I would spend nights on end listening to their incessant banter. That was the least of them by the way, I don't want to bring up the time I actually cut my hair for a girl because she "liked guys with short hair", or the time I went to a Sushi bar because she wanted Sushi (I abhor fish! Let alone raw fish!). All this just to "get some".

Come on be honest with yourself when it comes to women as long as they are relatively good looking, you'll do whatever it takes to "get some". And you know what? That's fine. We're weak and we'll admit to it. Some weaker than others (You know who you are!).

What really upset me though, is the fact that women know about this and still will do whatever they can to enhance the advantage. I don't think it ever once occurred to them to level the playing field, or better yet be nice and only use it at times of need. Nope, instead they continue to blatantly abuse their overwhelming power and then ask me to write about it.

Oh well, "getting some" sure is worth it.


Bosey said...

pushover is an understatement. no wonder men start wars... invade countries... and amass zillions - just so they can prove they are manly men after all...

Unknown said...

Mmmm... So FLBN asked you "to write about how guys are such push overs when it comes to women."

You wrote.

So, did you get "some"? Or did you whistle for your supper?